Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Bed Resting Update

The newest information from my favorite hospital bed is that...I'll be here for another week.

Had more tests run yesterday and results today looked good. Good enough for Dr not to induce me, but not good enough to take me off of bed rest. So the plan now is to continue bed rest until next week with an induction around Wednesday as long as my daily test results continue to remain fairly normal.

So if all goes well, little Jacob will arrive next week!

Thanks to all for your continued prayers, emails, and visits. Keep 'em comin!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Hello From The Land of Bed Rest!

Well, here I am. Confined to bed for the duration of the pregnancy. Did I mention that I'm in the hospital???

Yep. Saw the Doctor on Tuesday for my regular visit and the blood pressure had reached the "unacceptable" range. So it was off to the hospital for some "routine" monitoring. As you can well imagine, the "routine" monitoring turned not-so-routine. My pressure continued to be high and actually climbed a bit higher. That along with a few other not-so-good test numbers caused the Doctor to decide to keep me overnight. Then yesterday, after a few other tests with unfavorable outcomes, she made the decision that I would stay here until baby comes! (I also now officially have preeclampsia.) Oh, and also that she would be inducing me next week!!

One saving grace for me is that the hospital just got wireless internet access a few months ago so I don't feel like such a hermit! I'm able to email like crazy and do alot of "surfing" that I never seemed to get around to at home. Also, they do let me out once a day for a spin outside to enjoy some sunshine so I don't go TOO crazy.

Will keep updating as things progress!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Latest

Ok, figured I should put up a bit of an update!

Jaska made it home 3 weeks ago. The readjustment is getting better for us all. Had a few rough weeks trying to learn to live with one another again and learning to co-parent again. Gotta love the military!!!

David is LOVING having daddy home again! They read lots of stories before bedtime and play with his train set quite a bit. The first two hours that he was home, I didn't hear the word "mama" once!

Mom headed home. Can't tell you how great it was to have her here helping out while Jaska was away. She's coming back in a few weeks to be here when baby comes.

I am still flying JUST under the radar as far as my blood pressure goes. I'm told that bedrest will come at 140/90 and today's verdict was 138/86! I'm having ultrasounds every week to make sure that he is still growing well and that there is enough amniotic fluid for him. Also having weekly OB appointments to check blood pressure and she's also starting to check for dilation! I've been having Braxton Hicks contractions for quite a while now. They are getting more frequent and, oddly enough, they are starting to hurt more!! I'm 35 weeks. Five-ish weeks left, although I don't know that he will make it that long.

Is this really going to happen?!?!?!?!?