Thursday, November 09, 2006

First Photos of Baby Cason!

Here are the first images of Baby Cason!

Had our first OB appointment today! How exciting it was to see our baby's heartbeat for the first time! His (no gender bias, just can't bring myself to call the baby "it") heartbeat is great (the photo on the top shows the heartbeat) and the doctor said everything looks good. I've got lots of bloodwork and the like to get taken care of in the next week.

We'll (or probably I'll) go back next month and every month after for our checkups. We also have another ultrasound scheduled in January.

Our official due date is June 20th. So tomorrow will be the 8 week mark.

The pregnancy symptoms are starting to show themselves now. Besides the run down feeling I've had, I'm also getting sick a bit more now. Not everyday, thankfully, but enough for it not to be much fun.

We ask that you continue to pray for all of us during this time. It's quite a transition for all of us and we're adjusting slowly.


Anonymous said...

Get out! June 20th! How wierd is that!?! Bella's was June 19th. Can't believe I was 8 weeks a year ago!

Anonymous said...

Check out your map! You've got friends all over the place! (Thank you Air Force!)

Anonymous said...

I am really, really, really, reallllllly happy for you all! you are in my prayers!