Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Tests, tests, and more tests!!

Today I got to experience that of a pincushion. They drew 6 vials of blood (which felt more like 4 liters!!) and I got to do a tasty glucose test for gestational diabetes. The 4 liters... I mean, 6 vials, weren't too bad. And actually the glucose test was not nearly as bad as I had made it out to be in my head. I got the pleasure of drinking a tasty glass of mystery fluid, which tasted a lot like cough syrup without the kick. Then I spent a leisurely hour in the waiting room after which they took ANOTHER vial of my blood. Don't have any results, of course, but am most concerned about the diabetes test. Some of my medical history makes me susceptible to it.

Jaska is TDY for a few days and David and I are on our own. It's been pretty rough the last few days. I've had no energy and the mood swings are running rampant!!

Please pray for a NEGATIVE for gestational diabetes and Jaska’s quick return. He should be home Friday night, but he's flying a Herk so that drops the probability down to about 50% since most of the planes are older than he is and anything from a wing falling off to a burned out light bulb can ground the thing!!!

I'll be 9 weeks tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

HI Dee

Yep, I remember the gallons of blood they had to take. Crazy huh! I do pray the glucose test comes back negative. Will you take that test again? I know I did mine in my late 20 weeks. I also pray you will have energy and your emotions will be stable. Hang in there. Call if you just want to talk. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh -- sorry, forgot to sign my name.

Lynelle :)