Wednesday, January 17, 2007

And baby Cason is a....


(1st picture is boy parts, 2nd picture is a profile of his foot, 3rd picture is of his the doctor says, I can't tell!)

I am 18 weeks pregnant and we had a sonogram today. In addition to that wonderful news, we also know that baby is growing well and developing normally. Praise God! As for names, we haven't officially settled on a name yet. We will hopefully have one by the time the child is born!!

I'm feeling better during this second trimester. Still having trouble with my back, but receiving physical therapy 2 days a week to help with that.

Jaska will be deploying within the next month to the desert. My mom is coming to help out with David while he is away since I'm not able to leave Abilene for long periods of time because of doctor's appointments and such. (Yeah for moms!!)

Please be in prayer for continued health of the baby. Also for Jaska as he prepares to leave and for his safety while he is away.

As for the months without a post, the holidays hit, we were traveling, we had family in town, etc. So there are the excuses!


Anonymous said...

Yeah! So glad to finally have some news. Was getting nervous and hesitant to call. :)

Congratulations! Two boys are quite a handful. At least you don't have to worry about clothes, LOL!

All of you take care during the deployment and call me if you want to talk.


Anonymous said...

Congrats Dee and Jaska-

I know you have waited so long for this! Hope you have a happy and healthy second half of the pregnancy..

-The Flint (Rebekah)

Anonymous said...

Dee and Jaska~
I was so glad to receive your "update" letter. You've been very busy...congratulations! David is a doll...he'll be soo much help with his little brother! Just a quick re-cap of our lives--Christopher graduated last May and is finishing his 2nd year of college (was concurrently enrolled), has a girlfriend, is almost 20--Elizabeth is a jr in high school, manages a Chick-fil-A, has a boyfriend and a rabbit, is almost 18--Abigail is a freshman in high school, owns and shows her horse, also has 3 dogs and 2 cats, and works at Chick-fil-A with her sis, has a "special friend" (not quite boyfriend, although he'd like to be! Mom and Dad aren't ready for that yet.) is almost 16--Hosanna is in 8th grade, going on 25, has a cat, is the writer in the family and reads non-stop, is almost 14--MaryGrace also rides and shows (our next door neighbor's horse), has a cat, is in 4th grade, and will be 10 next month--Lydia is ALMOST 8!! Can you believe it? She rides, as well, has a cat, too, and generally tries to do whatever her big sisters do. I brought all of them home to school 5 years ago. Don retired two years ago. Now he works mornings with a friend, and is "retired" the rest of the day. (Translate that cooks several times a week, runs the kids where they need to go, etc.) Life is good. I'd love to talk to you...I'll give you a call.